Bikeway Design Trainings, Workshops and Classes

Working with partners and independently, I’ve created course materials and led multi-day workshops focused on modern urban bikeway design. Training programs include:

Initiative for Bicycle and Pedestrian Innovation (IBPI) Comprehensive Bicycle Planning and Design (2014-2023)

with Portland Bicycle Coordinator Roger Geller, I am a guest lecturer for IBPI’s annual professional development course, leading groups of practitioners from around North America on bikeway field tours and lectures. Learn More.

PSU USP 511 - Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning Lab (2013-2016)

Co-taught gratuate level bicycle and pedestrian planning class at Portland State University.

NACTO Certified Trainings

As one of NACTO’s certified trainers, and working with Alta Planning+ Design, I’ve led X trainings around North America educating city staff on the latest guidance from the NACTO BIkeway Design Guide and NACTO Urban Streets Design Guide. Learn More.


Protected Intersections for Bicyclists


Advisory Bike Lanes in North America